Make The Leap Coaching - Business Coaching for ADHD

Make The Leap Coaching - Business Coaching for ADHD


Do what you love AND be profitable.

Is money a sticky subject for you? Do you struggle to earn enough?

Boost your self-belief - and your profits.

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This coaching is about becoming fully you. When you trust yourself, you can do what you love AND make your business more profitable.”
— Jessica Summers

Heart-led ❤️ ADHD entrepreneurs

fed up of under-earning?

Plagued by self-doubt? Stuck in a loop?

Make The Leap coaching will help you uncover your true value, so that you can fulfil your potential and boost your profits.

💛 You are different - and that’s OK.
💛 Your processing style is different - this is your strength
💛 You have superb instincts - it is time to make them profitable

START LIVING FROM YOUR HEART-BRAIN - It’s only your head brain that has ADHD!

❤️ Prioritise yourself - and make a bigger difference

❤️ Take continuous, effective action to bring success

❤️ Time management, focus and clarity improve

❤️ All our talents are utilised when we commit to one thing

❤️ Relationships improve, along with your business

❤️ You become a ‘Profitable Completer’ !

Make The Leap Coaching is based on the input and experiences of real people and it actually works.

After working together, Polly Christopher was head-hunted by a prestigious acting agency.

She also bought the house she’d been dreaming about.

Magic happens when we commit to what we believe in.


⭐️ 20 minute pre-coaching call

⭐️ Detailed pre-coaching analysis

⭐️ 2 hour intensive Profitability Audit

⭐️ Plus 10 hours of coaching

⭐️ Online NLP and Trance recordings to shift your internal systems

⭐️ Creative and transformative home-play to consolidate changes


“ I’m Jessica Summers, I have ADHD and I’ve been a Coach and Hypno-Psychotherapist for 8 years.

What motivates me is knowing that there are fellow humans out there, just like me and you, who have something really amazing to offer the world. But they never make it. We never hear their voices.

My superpower is changing that.

I know exactly what demand-avoidance is like because I’ve overcome it to be a successful, caring coach-entrepreneur. I also know the damage that compulsive under-earning creates in families and in business. Believe me, I’ve been there. So this is where we start. Let me help.

“I have the ability to quickly identify the traps you’re placing for yourself and give you clear, simple processes to change it. Permanently”

“When you trust yourself, you can finally commit to what you actually want to be doing. It doesn’t matter what it is, your commitment is the pixie-dust. That’s where we start. And it changes everything! It’s so much simpler and easier than you might think…”


I’m not sure this is for me. How will I know?

Take a look at the video testimonials, read what people have written about working with me and, if you get an excited feeling like something else is possible, then book a 15 min clarity call here

I’m worried this is ‘just another course’. What’s different about this?

Great question. I have a very strong code of ethics which include not manipulating you in any way. I am showing you a way of connecting to your own inner power and knowing so you will always, from the moment of working together, be the source and creator for your life. I have no wish to create anymore dependency in this world. If you deeply desire something, you already have it. You just need to be and do something different to bring it into being. This is what my system is built on: showing you where you have put something in place to avoid what would make you happy. You have my full and passionate attention and it deeply matters to me that you succeed in making the leap. Everything you learn and explore is transferable to every area of your life. And you can apply the same methods and approaches once we have finished our coaching container- these are skills for life.

Is this coaching about changing jobs / going self-employed?

Your coaching is unique to you. If changing jobs/going self-employed is something you’ve been avoiding but will actually bring you the most expansion and happiness in your life then, yes, that may well be an area for you to look at. Equally, you might want to move abroad but have been waiting until you are rich/successful/single/married/the kids have left home…whatever! You may even want to be fully you in your life and stop hiding, all are equally valid. This coaching is about becoming fully you, and feeling 100% confident that being fully you will bring you the greatest happiness, fulfilment and success. Because it will.

Do you have a payment plan?

Yes, I do. You can pay for your sessions in three instalments. Message Lucy here to find out more